Chapter 5
The sun hung low in the sky as Sonia stepped through the makeshift base camp. Trees surrounded her and the dozens of men that were moving about, setting up guns and reinforcing barricades. A few of the men watched her curiously, but her confident stride convinced most that she had business here.
As she approached the large tent at the center of the camp, a younger man with light hair approached, a rifle laid over his shoulder. She hesitated as he stepped in her path, raising a curious eyebrow. He seemed unfazed and offered his hand. "Hello there, Ma'am. Jesse Langdon."
"Charmed," she replied, taking his hand. "And who are you in all this?"
"Oh, I'm Mr. Roosevelt's right-hand man. I've been with him since Kettle Hill," he remarked.
"Really? You seem quite young to be an agent," she replied, looking him over.
"I'm twenty-eight, ma'am."
"And you were at Kettle Hill? Which would have made you -"
"I was twenty-eight then, too," he replied with a smile. This forced a smirk over the hunter's lips "I'm assuming you're Miss Trevor."
"Arrived at that all by yourself, did you?" she said, joining him as they moved toward the tent.
"Mr. Roosevelt said to keep an eye out for you. He's working out the last of the details for the operation."
"You seem to have great confidence in him," she said.
"With all respect, I watched that man get his glasses shot off in Cuba. He pulled another pair out and marched right into the gunfire."
"Bravery should not be confused for competence," she remarked as they entered the tent.
"Quite so!" boomed the voice of the former president. "But the fact that I'm still alive should prove that I'm more than up to this task, Mrs. Trevor."
Sonia offered her hand, which Roosevelt took with a nod. She and Jesse followed him back to a table in the middle of the large tent which had a map spread out over it. Roosevelt gestured to several circles across it which marked the location of vats of Wolf Bait.
"Jesse has been instrumental in setting the bait over the last few days. We left a trail that leads to this very base, where we will eliminate the poor creatures," he explained.
"How many wolves do you expect?" Sonia asked.
"It's hard to tell," Roosevelt answered, running his thumb and forefinger over his spruce mustache pensively. "We don't have exact numbers on the infected from the area, but we're expecting over a dozen."
"Not bad," Jesse commented. "Shot a lot more Spaniards than that in San Juan."
"Charming," Sonia quipped, turning back to the map. "Do you have enough silver ammunition and wolf's bane?"
"We're a bit light on the silver, but it's been my experience that lead will suffice in large quantities," Roosevelt replied.
"Is this really the time to be skimping on supplies? But, then again, I suppose you did lead a cavalry unit without any horses," she said.
The president roared with laughter, his smile broad and imposing. "You see, Jesse? I like this woman."
"I want to inspect your weapons before the moon rises," she continued. "Perhaps I can come up with something to save your men's lives."
"Of course," Roosevelt replied, leading the pair out of the tent. A few paces away was a large barrel, sealed. He explained that this held more of the Wolf Bait and would be opened at moonrise to help lure the beasts to them. Sonia inspected the container, unsettled by the dents and chips across it. From there they were led to a large series of boxes which Jesse opened. Inside were a mixture of several supplies, including ammunition, pistols and a few bottles, which Sonia pulled out to inspect.
"Whiskey?" she asked.
"While I do not partake," Roosevelt explained, "it's simply good planning to have something for the men when this operation succeeds." With a quirked eyebrow, she let the bottle fall back into the box and continued.
From there the trio inspected a few nests where Roosevelt and Jesse had set up tripod mounted machine guns. Sonia pursed her lips to one side as she looked them over, turning back to the smiling, mustachioed man. "How old are these?"
"They're M1895s," Jesse answered. "They're good guns."
"I considered Gatlings, but mobility is an issue here," Roosevelt added. "Trust me, Madam, they'll put down your wolves."
Sonia rubbed the bridge of her nose as she marched away from the line of guns. "This entire operation is a insane," she said as she retreated toward the tent.
"I understand it lacks subtlety," Roosevelt remarked as she moved off, "but time is not in our favor. I'm sure we'll have things ironed out for the next run."
"Next?" Sonia asked, turning sharply.
"Of course. And there will be proper compensation for your time."
Sonia didn't answer, instead turning to enter the tent and make her final preparations for the night.
With the full moon rising into the darkened sky, the forest sat silent. Men held their breath as they gripped their weapons tightly. Sonia, with silver daggers and her whip wrapped around her waist, nodded to Jesse. With a loud pop, he wrenched the top of the large barrel near the tent off, the thick smell of Wolf's Bait now wafting through the entire camp. Sonia steeled her nerves. Clearly Roosevelt hadn't properly planned out their position, as they were open from all directions. There was little Sonia could do to move an entire camp in one night and Roosevelt would not hear of delaying the operation, so here she stood, hands moving to check the pistols on her thighs.
It started easily enough. Rustling in the trees drew the men's attention. There were a few calls of "wolf!" which drew Sonia over. Before she could offer any order, Roosevelt commanded them to open fire. Rifles rang out into the dark night as the creature in the forest began retreating.
"These aren't soldiers!" Sonia cried.
"I've hunted plenty of beasts, Madam. These creatures must be eradicated at a distance," Roosevelt retorted.
"They're careful! You're going to lose your bead on them!"
Before their argument could escalate, gunfire rang out once more. The pair turned to see a creature, something like a man but with fur covering its entire body, rushing toward the camp. Shot after shot riddled the creature, dropping it to its knees.
"Aim for the head!" Roosevelt commanded.
His words were easier heard than acted upon as the creature seemed to recover quickly, leaping back toward the forest. Roosevelt marched toward the line to look for signs of the creature, but at that moment shots were fired on the opposite side of the camp. The pair turned and rushed over, watching as the men shot wildly into the darkness.
"Did you find it?" Roosevelt barked.
"Two of them!" a soldier cried. "They're diving in and out of the shadows."
"They're testing the defenses," Sonia said. "I've never dealt with a dozen at once, but I'd be willing to wager they'll swarm once they find the weakest spot."
"Then it is good that Rough Riders don't have weak spots," Roosevelt remarked, lifting his rifle. "Use the lights! Look for the shine in their eyes!" Lights flashed across the foliage, Roosevelt following them through the sight of his rifle. The golden flicker of wolf eyes glinted in the darkness. BANG! A terrible roar echoed in the forest as a creature stumbled forward, clutching its now bloody face. "Fire!"
Sonia watched in a mixture of awe and incredulity as the agents turned soldiers fired on the beast, bringing it to the ground. Before the could celebrate, a second rushed from the darkness, charging the line. Guns fired and the beast staggered, but not before reaching one of the gunners, knocking aside his machine gun and ripping at him. Several men moved in, unloading shot after shot at the creature and forcing him off their now bloodied comrade.
Cries rang out from the first side again; the wolf was there now. More cries from the west side. Now from the north. Sonia looked around, watching as the lanterns illuminated the forest and shots rang out. She drew her pistols as she watched the targets grow in number. Seven. More gunshots. Ten. More cries. Thirteen. Roosevelt moved furiously through the camp, commanding his men, Jesse rushing to fill the gaps he left behind. The creatures were beginning to swarm.
Drawing a long breath, Sonia spun on her heels, leveling her pistol at an approaching creature. It had barreled through three men and was soaring through the air as she pulled the trigger and stepped aside. With a mad howl, the creature crashed into the ground, clutching its chest. She watched the pathetic thing writhe for several seconds before going limp. She ignored a chill that ran through her as she looked at it. It still wore clothing. It was a man, or was once, and now was this... thing. What atrocities had it committed without even being aware. This man, whoever he was, woke up that morning and put on a jacket, but now, as this beast, he would never return to that life.
Before she could contemplate the matter further, a second creature was charging the line. It whined and cried as machine gun fire severed it's leg and sent it sprawling through the camp. Sonia added one silver bullet to end its misery before marching to the opposite side. Waiting for her were several men, all engaged in stabbing and shooting a wolf among their ranks. The hunter leveled her pistol to end the creature but another firearm rang out first. As the wolf tumbled to the ground, howling, Sonia traced the shot back to Roosevelt, his rifle smoking as he drew a saber. He pushed through his men and hacked at the poor creature several times before beheading it. She narrowed her eyes in disgust at his actions, but when he turned, his face was not the boisterous, loud visage it had been earlier. He seemed to genuinely pity the creature, taking no movement to celebrate his victory or belittle the creature further. Instead, he moved on to the next target, directing his men to shore up the line. Her judgment eased, she turned to find her next target.
After several minutes of fighting, the gunshots became less frequent. Then men were flashing their lanterns through the darkness, but seemed unable to find any more targets.
"Bully!" Roosevelt cried, surveying the scene. "I think we've got the bulk now."
"I doubt it," Sonia replied. "They're regrouping."
"I thought these werewolves didn't act together," he asked.
"I've never faced this many at once. My information may be... unreliable in that regard."
Roosevelt pulled his rifle over his shoulder, staring into the darkness. "Then I'll make sure to update the Bureau's records after this."
The pair turned toward the cry from the eastern front. Gunfire rang out as two wolves rushed in. As the men concentrated their fire, Sonia noted movement in the darkness.
"It's a distraction," she cried. "They're drawing the fire!"
Sonia's suspicions were confirmed as she turned, six wolves coming in from the side, hitting the men from behind. Sonia moved in quickly, unloading her weapons, and dropping the wolves, one by one, but as they fell, more and more flooded in to replace them.
Through the camp, at least fifteen werewolves had pierced the line and were fighting hand to hand with the men. Sonia's silver ammunition was drained by a final creature that was tearing into one of the men, sending blood and viscera splattering across the ground. She had no time to reload her weapon as another wolf was rushing for her. Dropping the pistols, she unsheathed her silver blades, deflecting the claws of the creature as it attacked. She stumbled back, avoiding the lightning quick swipes as the creature pressed in on her. Timing her counterattack, she landed a solid kick into the creature's midsection, stopping it's assault long enough for her blade to slice through its throat. The creature whined and gurgled, clutching its neck, leaving itself open for the hunter force one blade through its heart.
Sonia had no time to recover as two more creatures were now attacking a gunner, ripping the firearm from its tripod and slashing through the man's chest. In an instant, Sonia's chain was out and it's silver tipped spikes were ripping through the creature's face. As it reared back, Sonia rushed in, throwing her entire body weight behind a kick to the second wolf. She turned quickly to assess the gunner, but it was too late. The blood and open wounds told her he would last more than a few minutes. She cursed silently as she turned to face the retaliating creatures, her chain slicing through the air in a spiral before her boot sent it shooting out again, piercing the first wolf's chest. The second leapt at her, slashing and biting, but the hunter dodged and weaved, pulling free her chain and sending it wrapping around her attacker's legs. The wolf crashed to the ground and before it could right itself, Sonia buried her knife into its back.
Several yards away, Roosevelt bashed another werewolf in the face with the butt of his empty rifle, sending it tumbling back. The former president roared as drew his saber once more and plunged it into the creature's chest. The wolf howled, but refused to fall, pushing forward to tackle Roosevelt to the ground. With it's gaping maw snapping at him, Roosevelt threw a short haymaker, connecting with the wolf's snout and knocking it back. Turning the table, he leapt on the creature's chest and began pummeling it over and over before seizing the embedded saber. Jerking and tugging at the sword, he widened the wound in the creature's chest, ripping and tearing at it's flesh as it howled in pain. Lifting the blade up and out, he sank it once more into the creature's heart. With blood dripping down his face, Roosevelt watched as the life drained from the creature. Standing, he pulled loose his blade and grabbed a fallen man's gun.
"Come foul beasts and taste the horns of this bull moose!"
Whether from the roar of Roosevelt's words or simply as a tactical move, the few wolves in left in the camp retreated into the forest. Panting, he marched toward a bloodied but undamaged Sonia. She picked up her discarded pistols and began the process of reloading.
"A dozen?" she asked with a frown.
"I said 'over'" he replied. "Jesse!" The young man from earlier limped into view, his clothes torn and bloodied, but otherwise seeming okay. "Get the wounded to inside the tents."
"Shouldn't we get them into the trucks, sir?"
"They're waiting for that. This isn't over."
Sonia surveyed the forest as the wounded were slowly brought into the tents. She couldn't be sure how many more were left, but it was certainly more than the remaining men could handle. What would Pasha think to see her having trouble with such loathsome creatures?
Sonia turned to see a young man on the ground, writhing in pain. She called for a lantern as she knelt beside him. Blood was pooling around him, far more a man should survive. He clutched his chest and neck tightly and Sonia could see this was the source of the blood loss. The young man shivered and convulsed, grimacing in pain. Taking the lantern, Sonia pulled his eyelids open wide, revealing golden irises.
"P-please..." he repeated, reaching a weak hand toward Sonia.
She handed off the lantern and stood, unholstering her pistol. She took a deep breath, shaking her head as took aim, but a strong, rough hand fell over hers.
"Stand down, Hunter," Roosevelt commanded.
"He's turning," she argued.
"I'm aware." Sonia released her grip, allowing Roosevelt to take the pistol. Stepping closer, he knelt beside the young man. "What's your name?"
"M-Murdock... sir..." he stuttered.
"Where are you from?"
"South.... D-Dakota."
"A good place," Roosevelt replied, gripping the young man's hand. "They breed strong men there."
"I... I don't want to die... " the young man wept.
"We all have to face death," Roosevelt replied, "what defines us is who we are when we meet the Reaper. You, Murdock, are a brave man."
"I... but... I ..."
"I don't make a habit of selecting cowards to ride with me. Are you with me, Murdock? Are you one of my Rough Riders?" The young man, shaking and crying, clutched Roosevelt's hand and nodded. "Then you are brave man."
Sonia raised a curious eyebrow as she watched. Roosevelt leaned closer to the young man, nodding back.
"I only select the bravest to ride with me, and I selected you," he continued. "Now... are you ready?" The young man's eyes streamed with blood and tears, but he nodded. Roosevelt brought one hand to his forehead, saluting the young man. Murdock returned the gesture, holding his hand in salute. As fangs began to push past the man's lips, Roosevelt pressed the barrel of the pistol to his temple and pulled the trigger. Sonia flinched, turning away. A moment later Roosevelt's was beside her, holding out her pistol.
"That was... unfortunate," she said, holstering her gun.
At that moment, Jesse ran up, still clutching his injuries. "Sir, it's not looking good."
"How many casualties?" Roosevelt asked.
"Half a dozen dead, nearly twenty injured."
Roosevelt looked toward the front line where the bodies a three werewolves lie beside a collapsed machine gun. "This night will not be in vain," he replied.
"I'm not sure that's up to you," Sonia said as the pair moved to survey the damage. "I suspect there are still a number of them waiting out there and I doubt we have the manpower to repel their next attack."
"Are you surrendering?" Roosevelt asked.
"Hardly," she replied, loosing her chain once more. "Only informing you that I'm likely to be the only survivor."
Roosevelt grinned and shook his head. "Your faith in us is staggering, madam, but I will not die tonight. Not without a hell of a fight."
Sonia cocked an eyebrow as she watched the older man pull his long coat off. Producing his saber, he cut into it, tearing it in half and ripping loose a long strip. He approached one the fallen machine gun and, without a word, tied the strip near the barrel and looped it around, letting it hang from his neck and shoulder.
"You're going manually wield that thing?" she asked.
"Too many of my men have died tonight," he said moving toward the open barrel of Wolf's Bait. Without any explanation, he removed his glasses and dunked his head into the mixture, pulling it back with a splashing arc of liquid.
"You've gone mad!" Sonia noted.
"Not yet!" Roosevelt bellowed with a growing grin. Throwing open the box of rifles and ammunition from earlier, he pulled free a bottle of whiskey. Calling for Jesse, the Rough Rider procured the young man's lighter and shoved another strip of his coat into the neck of the bottle.
"What the hell is that?" Sonia asked as he pushed past her and walked into the darkness.
"A little trick I discovered in Cuba," he announced, lighting cloth and hurling the bottle into the canopy. It collided with a tall tree and flames exploded into the foliage, lighting up the forest. "Jesse! I've changed my mind. Get the men to the trucks. I'll hold them off."
"You are insane," Sonia declared marching toward him.
"You're free, my good lady. Go home. Your book will be waiting for you."
"My contract was through this mission," she argued, watching as the flames spread from tree to tree. "Though you be a doddering fool of a man, I'll see you through this."
"Bully!" Roosevelt cried out, lifting up the machine gun. "Now, where will I mount their heads?"
With only a few men following behind, the pair stepped into the ever brightening forest, weapons at the ready. Sonia swung out her chain, pulling it back into a loop, eyes scanning the darkness. "They're coming," she said coldly.
In just moments the sounds of rustling foliage and pattering feet echoed around them. From the flames leapt creature after creature, fangs bared and claws at the ready. Sonia launched the ball of her chain out, striking one in the face and tugging quickly to sink the barbs in before tearing it loose. In one fluid motion the hunter swung the chain wide, striking another attacking from the rear, the silver piercing it's heart as it ripped through.
More and more wolves bore down on her, but Sonia was unshakeable. Her chain wrapped around one creature's throat, pulling it from mid-air and crashing it into two other wolves. Before the group could right themselves, her pistols were brandished and ringing out in the night. Three shots, three deaths.
Claws swiped from behind, but the hunter ducked and rolled, firing another shot into the attack. Before she could turn again, yet another creature was on her, slashing across her back. Blood stained the forest floor as Sonia stumbled forward from the blow, turning to fire into the darkness. She looked, but her foe was already retreating into the flames, leaving her open and confused. Before she could find her target, two new wolves came from either side, fangs and claws aimed for her supple flesh. Ducking to one side, she threw an arm around one of the charging beasts and swung behind it, pressing her gun directly to the base of it's skull and firing, sending it tumbling into the second wolf. Another shot rang out from her other pistol and the second wolf went limp.
Again, claws from the darkness slashed into her, this time across the backs of her thighs, dropping the hunter to her knees. She twisted and fell to her back, guns up, but there was still no target. Panting and stifling the screams of pain that were building inside her, she scanned the flaming trees surrounding her for her adversary. Three more presented themselves. Squeezing off three rounds, Sonia attempted to beat them back, but her shots went astray as the wolves dodged and encircled her. As one, they bore down on the prone hunter, but steeled nerved and hardened reflexes, the Sonia quickly emptied the last of her ammunition into them, causing them to collapse on top of her.
Pinned under the weight of three wolves and with her pistol now useless, Sonia strained to dislodge herself. Nearly free, a low, bestial growl halted her. She looked up to see a tall, lithe, werewolf, it's claws stained in her blood. Any shred of humanity this creature might have once possessed had long disappeared. With a roar the creature leapt, pinning her anew and driving it's wicked claws into her shoulders. It's fangs bared, it made for her neck and face, but halted at a metallic ring.
Sonia, grunting, cursing, had buried her pistol in the creature's jaws, and was doing everything in her power to hold back those deadly teeth. Inch by inch, the creature pushed closer, its hot, stinking breath burning her eyes. She couldn't hold back against the creature's strength. She couldn't keep it at bay forever. And so, with a roar of her own, Sonia slammed her head forward, crashing her forehead into the beast's muzzle.
With a whine and cry of surprise, the creature pulled back, grabbing it's injured face and casting aside the pistol within its maw. With a howl it turned back and dove once more at Sonia, jaws wide. A moment later, the creature fell limp to one side of the hunter, her silver blade extruding from the back of it's skull.
Only a few yards away, a large, older man with a pince nez and spruce mustache fired wildly into the night, with two piles, one of bullet casings and one of wolves, growing at his feet. He roared as he turned, his blade intercepting the jaws of an oncoming beast, allowing him to jam the muzzle of his weapon into the wolf's chest. Shots rang out until the creature fell still at his feet, Roosevelt taking not a moment of rest before engaging the next monster.
Fangs from the right. Teeth from the left. The bullets kept flying and blood continued splattering across his clothing. When one body fell, his sights immediately moved to the next. Moving forward, walking through the flames, he drew the beasts’ attention, luring them further and further from the camp. For each one that passed him up, he turned his full attention and sights, not only felling the creatures, but following up with his blade for good measure.
After several minutes, the telltale clicking of his weapon told the former president that he had spent his supply of ammunition. Pulling loose the strap from his neck and shoulder, he began swinging the gun like club, bashing it into oncoming creatures as he dared them approach. Claws pierced his chest. Blood spilled from his back and arms. Still, Roosevelt refused to fall. His blade slashed through the flames, spilling wolf blood, but they seemed to recover before he could swing a second time.
Forced to his knees, Roosevelt held back the oncoming fangs with the flat of his blade, both arms buckling under the pressure. One swing of the claws and his weapon flew into the night. The beast roared. Roosevelt bared his own teeth. "Take me then, foul beast! Take me if you can!"
The grim fangs lunged forward, only to halt inches from the roaring Roosevelt. He looked down to its neck to see the glint of metal chain. The creature stumbled back, the chain now sliding and sawing its flesh, the silver barb cutting a clean line as Sonia wrenched the beast's head from it's shoulders.
Sonia lashed out her chain once more, the coils wrapping around the arm of a werewolf behind Roosevelt. It tugged instinctively and Sonia leapt into the air with it, letting its strength guide her kick, dropping the beast as she hit square in its chest. In an instant her blade was out and buried in its chest.
Roosevelt turned slowly to look at the bloodied and bruised hunter as she rose to her feet. He forced himself up, weakly, and tried to speak. Before he could utter a word, her blade was loosed again and flying through the air. Nearly grazing Roosevelt's cheek, he followed the path of the blade as it sunk deep into the chest of one final wolf.
Roosevelt watched as the creature whimpered and expired, then looked around. The few men that had followed them were still standing, a few wolves at their feet. He scanned the forest. Nothing. He turned back to the camp. Clear. Smiling, the former president began to roar with laughter.
"Not the reaction I expected," Sonia remarked as she limped over to recover her blade.
"Bully!" he shouted, clapping her on the back.
She winced in pain, straightening up. Nodding, she turned. "Okay. That seems more like it."
A cautious, but growing roar went up from the men as Sonia and Roosevelt limped back toward the camp. Trucks were pulled up to the tents and several injured were already loaded. A bloody but joyous Jesse rushed to meet the pair. "I think that's all of them, sir!"
"It better well be!" Sonia spat, holding her side in pain.
"This went better than I expected," Roosevelt laughed.
"Better?" she asked, eyes wide.
"Oh yes. So many of the vile creatures gone in just one night. This is fantastic! Jesse, put in orders for more of that Wolfs Bait. We'll need hundreds of drums."
"Yes sir!" the young man replied.
"You're insane," Sonia repeated.
"We're going to need it for the next mission. And the one after that! Why, I suspect we can rid the nation of these beasts with no more than a dozen, no... a score of these missions. I trust I'll have you at my side, Mrs. Trevor?"
As the fired blazed around them and men groaned in pain, Sonia shook her head. Letting her head fall back for a moment, she turned and walked toward the nearest truck.
"Mrs. Trevor? Where are you going?"
"I'm done here, Mr. Roosevelt. I have things worth living for."
As she approached the large tent at the center of the camp, a younger man with light hair approached, a rifle laid over his shoulder. She hesitated as he stepped in her path, raising a curious eyebrow. He seemed unfazed and offered his hand. "Hello there, Ma'am. Jesse Langdon."
"Charmed," she replied, taking his hand. "And who are you in all this?"
"Oh, I'm Mr. Roosevelt's right-hand man. I've been with him since Kettle Hill," he remarked.
"Really? You seem quite young to be an agent," she replied, looking him over.
"I'm twenty-eight, ma'am."
"And you were at Kettle Hill? Which would have made you -"
"I was twenty-eight then, too," he replied with a smile. This forced a smirk over the hunter's lips "I'm assuming you're Miss Trevor."
"Arrived at that all by yourself, did you?" she said, joining him as they moved toward the tent.
"Mr. Roosevelt said to keep an eye out for you. He's working out the last of the details for the operation."
"You seem to have great confidence in him," she said.
"With all respect, I watched that man get his glasses shot off in Cuba. He pulled another pair out and marched right into the gunfire."
"Bravery should not be confused for competence," she remarked as they entered the tent.
"Quite so!" boomed the voice of the former president. "But the fact that I'm still alive should prove that I'm more than up to this task, Mrs. Trevor."
Sonia offered her hand, which Roosevelt took with a nod. She and Jesse followed him back to a table in the middle of the large tent which had a map spread out over it. Roosevelt gestured to several circles across it which marked the location of vats of Wolf Bait.
"Jesse has been instrumental in setting the bait over the last few days. We left a trail that leads to this very base, where we will eliminate the poor creatures," he explained.
"How many wolves do you expect?" Sonia asked.
"It's hard to tell," Roosevelt answered, running his thumb and forefinger over his spruce mustache pensively. "We don't have exact numbers on the infected from the area, but we're expecting over a dozen."
"Not bad," Jesse commented. "Shot a lot more Spaniards than that in San Juan."
"Charming," Sonia quipped, turning back to the map. "Do you have enough silver ammunition and wolf's bane?"
"We're a bit light on the silver, but it's been my experience that lead will suffice in large quantities," Roosevelt replied.
"Is this really the time to be skimping on supplies? But, then again, I suppose you did lead a cavalry unit without any horses," she said.
The president roared with laughter, his smile broad and imposing. "You see, Jesse? I like this woman."
"I want to inspect your weapons before the moon rises," she continued. "Perhaps I can come up with something to save your men's lives."
"Of course," Roosevelt replied, leading the pair out of the tent. A few paces away was a large barrel, sealed. He explained that this held more of the Wolf Bait and would be opened at moonrise to help lure the beasts to them. Sonia inspected the container, unsettled by the dents and chips across it. From there they were led to a large series of boxes which Jesse opened. Inside were a mixture of several supplies, including ammunition, pistols and a few bottles, which Sonia pulled out to inspect.
"Whiskey?" she asked.
"While I do not partake," Roosevelt explained, "it's simply good planning to have something for the men when this operation succeeds." With a quirked eyebrow, she let the bottle fall back into the box and continued.
From there the trio inspected a few nests where Roosevelt and Jesse had set up tripod mounted machine guns. Sonia pursed her lips to one side as she looked them over, turning back to the smiling, mustachioed man. "How old are these?"
"They're M1895s," Jesse answered. "They're good guns."
"I considered Gatlings, but mobility is an issue here," Roosevelt added. "Trust me, Madam, they'll put down your wolves."
Sonia rubbed the bridge of her nose as she marched away from the line of guns. "This entire operation is a insane," she said as she retreated toward the tent.
"I understand it lacks subtlety," Roosevelt remarked as she moved off, "but time is not in our favor. I'm sure we'll have things ironed out for the next run."
"Next?" Sonia asked, turning sharply.
"Of course. And there will be proper compensation for your time."
Sonia didn't answer, instead turning to enter the tent and make her final preparations for the night.
With the full moon rising into the darkened sky, the forest sat silent. Men held their breath as they gripped their weapons tightly. Sonia, with silver daggers and her whip wrapped around her waist, nodded to Jesse. With a loud pop, he wrenched the top of the large barrel near the tent off, the thick smell of Wolf's Bait now wafting through the entire camp. Sonia steeled her nerves. Clearly Roosevelt hadn't properly planned out their position, as they were open from all directions. There was little Sonia could do to move an entire camp in one night and Roosevelt would not hear of delaying the operation, so here she stood, hands moving to check the pistols on her thighs.
It started easily enough. Rustling in the trees drew the men's attention. There were a few calls of "wolf!" which drew Sonia over. Before she could offer any order, Roosevelt commanded them to open fire. Rifles rang out into the dark night as the creature in the forest began retreating.
"These aren't soldiers!" Sonia cried.
"I've hunted plenty of beasts, Madam. These creatures must be eradicated at a distance," Roosevelt retorted.
"They're careful! You're going to lose your bead on them!"
Before their argument could escalate, gunfire rang out once more. The pair turned to see a creature, something like a man but with fur covering its entire body, rushing toward the camp. Shot after shot riddled the creature, dropping it to its knees.
"Aim for the head!" Roosevelt commanded.
His words were easier heard than acted upon as the creature seemed to recover quickly, leaping back toward the forest. Roosevelt marched toward the line to look for signs of the creature, but at that moment shots were fired on the opposite side of the camp. The pair turned and rushed over, watching as the men shot wildly into the darkness.
"Did you find it?" Roosevelt barked.
"Two of them!" a soldier cried. "They're diving in and out of the shadows."
"They're testing the defenses," Sonia said. "I've never dealt with a dozen at once, but I'd be willing to wager they'll swarm once they find the weakest spot."
"Then it is good that Rough Riders don't have weak spots," Roosevelt remarked, lifting his rifle. "Use the lights! Look for the shine in their eyes!" Lights flashed across the foliage, Roosevelt following them through the sight of his rifle. The golden flicker of wolf eyes glinted in the darkness. BANG! A terrible roar echoed in the forest as a creature stumbled forward, clutching its now bloody face. "Fire!"
Sonia watched in a mixture of awe and incredulity as the agents turned soldiers fired on the beast, bringing it to the ground. Before the could celebrate, a second rushed from the darkness, charging the line. Guns fired and the beast staggered, but not before reaching one of the gunners, knocking aside his machine gun and ripping at him. Several men moved in, unloading shot after shot at the creature and forcing him off their now bloodied comrade.
Cries rang out from the first side again; the wolf was there now. More cries from the west side. Now from the north. Sonia looked around, watching as the lanterns illuminated the forest and shots rang out. She drew her pistols as she watched the targets grow in number. Seven. More gunshots. Ten. More cries. Thirteen. Roosevelt moved furiously through the camp, commanding his men, Jesse rushing to fill the gaps he left behind. The creatures were beginning to swarm.
Drawing a long breath, Sonia spun on her heels, leveling her pistol at an approaching creature. It had barreled through three men and was soaring through the air as she pulled the trigger and stepped aside. With a mad howl, the creature crashed into the ground, clutching its chest. She watched the pathetic thing writhe for several seconds before going limp. She ignored a chill that ran through her as she looked at it. It still wore clothing. It was a man, or was once, and now was this... thing. What atrocities had it committed without even being aware. This man, whoever he was, woke up that morning and put on a jacket, but now, as this beast, he would never return to that life.
Before she could contemplate the matter further, a second creature was charging the line. It whined and cried as machine gun fire severed it's leg and sent it sprawling through the camp. Sonia added one silver bullet to end its misery before marching to the opposite side. Waiting for her were several men, all engaged in stabbing and shooting a wolf among their ranks. The hunter leveled her pistol to end the creature but another firearm rang out first. As the wolf tumbled to the ground, howling, Sonia traced the shot back to Roosevelt, his rifle smoking as he drew a saber. He pushed through his men and hacked at the poor creature several times before beheading it. She narrowed her eyes in disgust at his actions, but when he turned, his face was not the boisterous, loud visage it had been earlier. He seemed to genuinely pity the creature, taking no movement to celebrate his victory or belittle the creature further. Instead, he moved on to the next target, directing his men to shore up the line. Her judgment eased, she turned to find her next target.
After several minutes of fighting, the gunshots became less frequent. Then men were flashing their lanterns through the darkness, but seemed unable to find any more targets.
"Bully!" Roosevelt cried, surveying the scene. "I think we've got the bulk now."
"I doubt it," Sonia replied. "They're regrouping."
"I thought these werewolves didn't act together," he asked.
"I've never faced this many at once. My information may be... unreliable in that regard."
Roosevelt pulled his rifle over his shoulder, staring into the darkness. "Then I'll make sure to update the Bureau's records after this."
The pair turned toward the cry from the eastern front. Gunfire rang out as two wolves rushed in. As the men concentrated their fire, Sonia noted movement in the darkness.
"It's a distraction," she cried. "They're drawing the fire!"
Sonia's suspicions were confirmed as she turned, six wolves coming in from the side, hitting the men from behind. Sonia moved in quickly, unloading her weapons, and dropping the wolves, one by one, but as they fell, more and more flooded in to replace them.
Through the camp, at least fifteen werewolves had pierced the line and were fighting hand to hand with the men. Sonia's silver ammunition was drained by a final creature that was tearing into one of the men, sending blood and viscera splattering across the ground. She had no time to reload her weapon as another wolf was rushing for her. Dropping the pistols, she unsheathed her silver blades, deflecting the claws of the creature as it attacked. She stumbled back, avoiding the lightning quick swipes as the creature pressed in on her. Timing her counterattack, she landed a solid kick into the creature's midsection, stopping it's assault long enough for her blade to slice through its throat. The creature whined and gurgled, clutching its neck, leaving itself open for the hunter force one blade through its heart.
Sonia had no time to recover as two more creatures were now attacking a gunner, ripping the firearm from its tripod and slashing through the man's chest. In an instant, Sonia's chain was out and it's silver tipped spikes were ripping through the creature's face. As it reared back, Sonia rushed in, throwing her entire body weight behind a kick to the second wolf. She turned quickly to assess the gunner, but it was too late. The blood and open wounds told her he would last more than a few minutes. She cursed silently as she turned to face the retaliating creatures, her chain slicing through the air in a spiral before her boot sent it shooting out again, piercing the first wolf's chest. The second leapt at her, slashing and biting, but the hunter dodged and weaved, pulling free her chain and sending it wrapping around her attacker's legs. The wolf crashed to the ground and before it could right itself, Sonia buried her knife into its back.
Several yards away, Roosevelt bashed another werewolf in the face with the butt of his empty rifle, sending it tumbling back. The former president roared as drew his saber once more and plunged it into the creature's chest. The wolf howled, but refused to fall, pushing forward to tackle Roosevelt to the ground. With it's gaping maw snapping at him, Roosevelt threw a short haymaker, connecting with the wolf's snout and knocking it back. Turning the table, he leapt on the creature's chest and began pummeling it over and over before seizing the embedded saber. Jerking and tugging at the sword, he widened the wound in the creature's chest, ripping and tearing at it's flesh as it howled in pain. Lifting the blade up and out, he sank it once more into the creature's heart. With blood dripping down his face, Roosevelt watched as the life drained from the creature. Standing, he pulled loose his blade and grabbed a fallen man's gun.
"Come foul beasts and taste the horns of this bull moose!"
Whether from the roar of Roosevelt's words or simply as a tactical move, the few wolves in left in the camp retreated into the forest. Panting, he marched toward a bloodied but undamaged Sonia. She picked up her discarded pistols and began the process of reloading.
"A dozen?" she asked with a frown.
"I said 'over'" he replied. "Jesse!" The young man from earlier limped into view, his clothes torn and bloodied, but otherwise seeming okay. "Get the wounded to inside the tents."
"Shouldn't we get them into the trucks, sir?"
"They're waiting for that. This isn't over."
Sonia surveyed the forest as the wounded were slowly brought into the tents. She couldn't be sure how many more were left, but it was certainly more than the remaining men could handle. What would Pasha think to see her having trouble with such loathsome creatures?
Sonia turned to see a young man on the ground, writhing in pain. She called for a lantern as she knelt beside him. Blood was pooling around him, far more a man should survive. He clutched his chest and neck tightly and Sonia could see this was the source of the blood loss. The young man shivered and convulsed, grimacing in pain. Taking the lantern, Sonia pulled his eyelids open wide, revealing golden irises.
"P-please..." he repeated, reaching a weak hand toward Sonia.
She handed off the lantern and stood, unholstering her pistol. She took a deep breath, shaking her head as took aim, but a strong, rough hand fell over hers.
"Stand down, Hunter," Roosevelt commanded.
"He's turning," she argued.
"I'm aware." Sonia released her grip, allowing Roosevelt to take the pistol. Stepping closer, he knelt beside the young man. "What's your name?"
"M-Murdock... sir..." he stuttered.
"Where are you from?"
"South.... D-Dakota."
"A good place," Roosevelt replied, gripping the young man's hand. "They breed strong men there."
"I... I don't want to die... " the young man wept.
"We all have to face death," Roosevelt replied, "what defines us is who we are when we meet the Reaper. You, Murdock, are a brave man."
"I... but... I ..."
"I don't make a habit of selecting cowards to ride with me. Are you with me, Murdock? Are you one of my Rough Riders?" The young man, shaking and crying, clutched Roosevelt's hand and nodded. "Then you are brave man."
Sonia raised a curious eyebrow as she watched. Roosevelt leaned closer to the young man, nodding back.
"I only select the bravest to ride with me, and I selected you," he continued. "Now... are you ready?" The young man's eyes streamed with blood and tears, but he nodded. Roosevelt brought one hand to his forehead, saluting the young man. Murdock returned the gesture, holding his hand in salute. As fangs began to push past the man's lips, Roosevelt pressed the barrel of the pistol to his temple and pulled the trigger. Sonia flinched, turning away. A moment later Roosevelt's was beside her, holding out her pistol.
"That was... unfortunate," she said, holstering her gun.
At that moment, Jesse ran up, still clutching his injuries. "Sir, it's not looking good."
"How many casualties?" Roosevelt asked.
"Half a dozen dead, nearly twenty injured."
Roosevelt looked toward the front line where the bodies a three werewolves lie beside a collapsed machine gun. "This night will not be in vain," he replied.
"I'm not sure that's up to you," Sonia said as the pair moved to survey the damage. "I suspect there are still a number of them waiting out there and I doubt we have the manpower to repel their next attack."
"Are you surrendering?" Roosevelt asked.
"Hardly," she replied, loosing her chain once more. "Only informing you that I'm likely to be the only survivor."
Roosevelt grinned and shook his head. "Your faith in us is staggering, madam, but I will not die tonight. Not without a hell of a fight."
Sonia cocked an eyebrow as she watched the older man pull his long coat off. Producing his saber, he cut into it, tearing it in half and ripping loose a long strip. He approached one the fallen machine gun and, without a word, tied the strip near the barrel and looped it around, letting it hang from his neck and shoulder.
"You're going manually wield that thing?" she asked.
"Too many of my men have died tonight," he said moving toward the open barrel of Wolf's Bait. Without any explanation, he removed his glasses and dunked his head into the mixture, pulling it back with a splashing arc of liquid.
"You've gone mad!" Sonia noted.
"Not yet!" Roosevelt bellowed with a growing grin. Throwing open the box of rifles and ammunition from earlier, he pulled free a bottle of whiskey. Calling for Jesse, the Rough Rider procured the young man's lighter and shoved another strip of his coat into the neck of the bottle.
"What the hell is that?" Sonia asked as he pushed past her and walked into the darkness.
"A little trick I discovered in Cuba," he announced, lighting cloth and hurling the bottle into the canopy. It collided with a tall tree and flames exploded into the foliage, lighting up the forest. "Jesse! I've changed my mind. Get the men to the trucks. I'll hold them off."
"You are insane," Sonia declared marching toward him.
"You're free, my good lady. Go home. Your book will be waiting for you."
"My contract was through this mission," she argued, watching as the flames spread from tree to tree. "Though you be a doddering fool of a man, I'll see you through this."
"Bully!" Roosevelt cried out, lifting up the machine gun. "Now, where will I mount their heads?"
With only a few men following behind, the pair stepped into the ever brightening forest, weapons at the ready. Sonia swung out her chain, pulling it back into a loop, eyes scanning the darkness. "They're coming," she said coldly.
In just moments the sounds of rustling foliage and pattering feet echoed around them. From the flames leapt creature after creature, fangs bared and claws at the ready. Sonia launched the ball of her chain out, striking one in the face and tugging quickly to sink the barbs in before tearing it loose. In one fluid motion the hunter swung the chain wide, striking another attacking from the rear, the silver piercing it's heart as it ripped through.
More and more wolves bore down on her, but Sonia was unshakeable. Her chain wrapped around one creature's throat, pulling it from mid-air and crashing it into two other wolves. Before the group could right themselves, her pistols were brandished and ringing out in the night. Three shots, three deaths.
Claws swiped from behind, but the hunter ducked and rolled, firing another shot into the attack. Before she could turn again, yet another creature was on her, slashing across her back. Blood stained the forest floor as Sonia stumbled forward from the blow, turning to fire into the darkness. She looked, but her foe was already retreating into the flames, leaving her open and confused. Before she could find her target, two new wolves came from either side, fangs and claws aimed for her supple flesh. Ducking to one side, she threw an arm around one of the charging beasts and swung behind it, pressing her gun directly to the base of it's skull and firing, sending it tumbling into the second wolf. Another shot rang out from her other pistol and the second wolf went limp.
Again, claws from the darkness slashed into her, this time across the backs of her thighs, dropping the hunter to her knees. She twisted and fell to her back, guns up, but there was still no target. Panting and stifling the screams of pain that were building inside her, she scanned the flaming trees surrounding her for her adversary. Three more presented themselves. Squeezing off three rounds, Sonia attempted to beat them back, but her shots went astray as the wolves dodged and encircled her. As one, they bore down on the prone hunter, but steeled nerved and hardened reflexes, the Sonia quickly emptied the last of her ammunition into them, causing them to collapse on top of her.
Pinned under the weight of three wolves and with her pistol now useless, Sonia strained to dislodge herself. Nearly free, a low, bestial growl halted her. She looked up to see a tall, lithe, werewolf, it's claws stained in her blood. Any shred of humanity this creature might have once possessed had long disappeared. With a roar the creature leapt, pinning her anew and driving it's wicked claws into her shoulders. It's fangs bared, it made for her neck and face, but halted at a metallic ring.
Sonia, grunting, cursing, had buried her pistol in the creature's jaws, and was doing everything in her power to hold back those deadly teeth. Inch by inch, the creature pushed closer, its hot, stinking breath burning her eyes. She couldn't hold back against the creature's strength. She couldn't keep it at bay forever. And so, with a roar of her own, Sonia slammed her head forward, crashing her forehead into the beast's muzzle.
With a whine and cry of surprise, the creature pulled back, grabbing it's injured face and casting aside the pistol within its maw. With a howl it turned back and dove once more at Sonia, jaws wide. A moment later, the creature fell limp to one side of the hunter, her silver blade extruding from the back of it's skull.
Only a few yards away, a large, older man with a pince nez and spruce mustache fired wildly into the night, with two piles, one of bullet casings and one of wolves, growing at his feet. He roared as he turned, his blade intercepting the jaws of an oncoming beast, allowing him to jam the muzzle of his weapon into the wolf's chest. Shots rang out until the creature fell still at his feet, Roosevelt taking not a moment of rest before engaging the next monster.
Fangs from the right. Teeth from the left. The bullets kept flying and blood continued splattering across his clothing. When one body fell, his sights immediately moved to the next. Moving forward, walking through the flames, he drew the beasts’ attention, luring them further and further from the camp. For each one that passed him up, he turned his full attention and sights, not only felling the creatures, but following up with his blade for good measure.
After several minutes, the telltale clicking of his weapon told the former president that he had spent his supply of ammunition. Pulling loose the strap from his neck and shoulder, he began swinging the gun like club, bashing it into oncoming creatures as he dared them approach. Claws pierced his chest. Blood spilled from his back and arms. Still, Roosevelt refused to fall. His blade slashed through the flames, spilling wolf blood, but they seemed to recover before he could swing a second time.
Forced to his knees, Roosevelt held back the oncoming fangs with the flat of his blade, both arms buckling under the pressure. One swing of the claws and his weapon flew into the night. The beast roared. Roosevelt bared his own teeth. "Take me then, foul beast! Take me if you can!"
The grim fangs lunged forward, only to halt inches from the roaring Roosevelt. He looked down to its neck to see the glint of metal chain. The creature stumbled back, the chain now sliding and sawing its flesh, the silver barb cutting a clean line as Sonia wrenched the beast's head from it's shoulders.
Sonia lashed out her chain once more, the coils wrapping around the arm of a werewolf behind Roosevelt. It tugged instinctively and Sonia leapt into the air with it, letting its strength guide her kick, dropping the beast as she hit square in its chest. In an instant her blade was out and buried in its chest.
Roosevelt turned slowly to look at the bloodied and bruised hunter as she rose to her feet. He forced himself up, weakly, and tried to speak. Before he could utter a word, her blade was loosed again and flying through the air. Nearly grazing Roosevelt's cheek, he followed the path of the blade as it sunk deep into the chest of one final wolf.
Roosevelt watched as the creature whimpered and expired, then looked around. The few men that had followed them were still standing, a few wolves at their feet. He scanned the forest. Nothing. He turned back to the camp. Clear. Smiling, the former president began to roar with laughter.
"Not the reaction I expected," Sonia remarked as she limped over to recover her blade.
"Bully!" he shouted, clapping her on the back.
She winced in pain, straightening up. Nodding, she turned. "Okay. That seems more like it."
A cautious, but growing roar went up from the men as Sonia and Roosevelt limped back toward the camp. Trucks were pulled up to the tents and several injured were already loaded. A bloody but joyous Jesse rushed to meet the pair. "I think that's all of them, sir!"
"It better well be!" Sonia spat, holding her side in pain.
"This went better than I expected," Roosevelt laughed.
"Better?" she asked, eyes wide.
"Oh yes. So many of the vile creatures gone in just one night. This is fantastic! Jesse, put in orders for more of that Wolfs Bait. We'll need hundreds of drums."
"Yes sir!" the young man replied.
"You're insane," Sonia repeated.
"We're going to need it for the next mission. And the one after that! Why, I suspect we can rid the nation of these beasts with no more than a dozen, no... a score of these missions. I trust I'll have you at my side, Mrs. Trevor?"
As the fired blazed around them and men groaned in pain, Sonia shook her head. Letting her head fall back for a moment, she turned and walked toward the nearest truck.
"Mrs. Trevor? Where are you going?"
"I'm done here, Mr. Roosevelt. I have things worth living for."
Chapter 6
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